In the fall of 2011, BCMHSUS assembled a Provincial ADHD Task Force, which consisted of a broad membership, including representation from various ministries and professional sectors within BC, health care professionals, parents, and school professionals.
The mission of the Task Force was to work collaboratively to develop strategies which would improve access to evidence-based care in ADHD for children and youth across the province. The Task Force has developed a Series of algorithms and recommendations related to the diagnosis and management of ADHD in BC. Dissemination and uptake of these algorithms and recommendations is expected to contribute to increased capacity of health care professionals, school professionals and families with regard to the management of ADHD in children and youth. Moreover, the cross-sectional nature of the recommendations is intended to facilitate coordination between stakeholder groups, thus promoting a collaborative care model and contributing to improved outcomes for children and youth with ADHD.
Appetite To Play
Appetite to Play was developed as a provincial approach to support providers to promote and encourage healthy eating and physical activity environments within early years settings (daycare centres, family-based daycares, preschools, parent participation programs, or after school daycares).
Asthma Care Across Community Settings
Child Health BC (CHBC) and the Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee (GPAC) collaborated on the development of a new provincial pediatric asthma guideline. The guideline identifies the care requirements for the pediatric population, including a specific new guideline for the diagnosis and management of children aged 1-5 years.
Burnaby Hospital maintains a Virtual Pediatric Asthma Education Clinic. The aim is to improve patient knowledge and adherence through education, thus reducing exacerbations and hospitalizations with an ultimate improvement in quality of life. As part of the BC Pediatric Asthma Network, the Clinic further aims to standardize care based on the Child Health BC guidelines. Click here for more information about the Clinic and click here to access the referral form.
Autism, ASD, FASD
Cannabis & Teens in a Post Legalization World (CYMHSU CoP Live Webinar)
Click here to access the slide deck from CYMHSU CoP’s inaugural ‘Cannabis & Teens in a Post Legalization World – A Physician’s Approach’ live webinar held on March 1, 2019.
CHBC Hip Surveillance Program For Children With Cerebral Palsy
The Child Health BC Hip Surveillance Program for Children with Cerebral Palsy aims to (1) Ensure that children at risk for hip displacement receive appropriate screening to allow for early and appropriate management, and (2) Facilitate the implementation of the recommended standard of care for hip surveillance into practice across the province.
Child Health BC Tiers of Service
The Tiers of Service framework provides a tool for defining and planning the system of children’s health services on BC.
Community Resources for Transitioning Your Patient
Concussions are a significant health issue for children and youth throughout British Columbia, accounting for more than 6,800 recorded visits to BC Emergency Departments in 2014/15. The actual number of concussion injuries is estimated to be much higher.
Developmental Coordination Disorder Toolkit for Pediatricians
This toolkit summarizes best available evidence to support pediatricians’ best practices related to DCD diagnosis and management. You can access and download the DCD Toolkit for Pediatricians here.
Diabetes Care in School Settings
ChildHealth BC provides information on diabetes care in school settings. , including evidence-informed key components, care elements, and competencies.
Disability Tax Credit
The BC Pediatric receives complaints about the disability tax credit. We have provided guidelines though the CPS for filling out the form. Click Here.
Jordan’s Principle
Healthy Weights
The BC Pediatric Society provides information about childhood obesity and helpful resources for parents and pediatricians. Click Here.
Newborn Eye Health
Pediatric Early Warning System (PEWS)
Pediatric Early Warning Systems (PEWS) are used internationally to promote early identification and mitigation of deterioration in hospitalized pediatric patients. BC health authority leaders and clinicians have identified the implementation of PEWS as a high priority in hospitals that care for children.
Resources for Youth in Care
Trans-Inclusive Clinic
Tips for Creating a Trans-Inclusive Clinic, compiled by the Abbotsford Division of Family Practice.