The BC Pediatric Society has developed some tools
to assist pediatricians in transitioning patients into adult care.
In addition to tools and resources you will find helpful for all your transitioning patients,
we have also developed resources which pertain specifically to transitioning patients
with a mental health disorder.

Transition Tools and Resources

The BC Pediatric Society (BCPS) developed these tools based on feedback from pediatricians, family physicians, Health Authorities, and community resources during province-wide consultations.

Click on the links below to start using these tools in your own practice:

  1. Transition Timeline Tool
  2. BCPS Medical Transfer Summary (MTS)
  3. Locating a Family Physician / Adult Specialist
  4. Professional Support for Physicians
  5. Community Resources for Transitioning Youth
  6. Transition Tools and Resources for Patients with a Mental Health Disorder
  7. Transition Projects Background Information


We welcome your feedback, concerns, or comments regarding the transfer project:
Brian Evoy, Executive Director, BC Pediatric Society
t. 604.875.3101 | e. [email protected]

The Transition/Transfer of Patients website is one component of the project Pathways to Support Community Pediatricians Transferring Patients with Mental Health Challenges to Adult Care, a project supported by the Specialist Services Committee (SSC),
a partnership of Doctors of BC and the BC government.