Be Confident, BC, about your child’s health and safety


Be Confident, BC is a partnership between BC Pediatric Society and Clarity Foundation.

Childhood illnesses don’t just affect kids: they ripple through families, schools, and workplaces. These childhood illnesses are deadly in some cases and highly disruptive in many others. Vaccines protect against diseases that cause children to miss school for extended periods, force parents and caregivers to miss work to care for sick kids, burden households with unexpected healthcare costs, and—in the worst cases— present life-threatening challenges to patients and communities.

To make things clearer, the Clarity Foundation anonymously polled members of the British Columbia Pediatrics Society to understand their views on routine childhood immunization. This poll is not simply to ‘count opinions’ – it reflects the strength of the underlying science.

Here are the Poll Results

Of the 211 pediatricians anonymously surveyed about the routine immunization schedule approved for safety and effectiveness by Health Canada and then adopted into the schedule by the BC Centre for Disease Control:

You can learn more about this poll process and get answers to frequently asked questions here.